Environmental systems

For goal-oriented operational development

An environmental system that looks like your company and serves the environment

A voluntary environmental system is an excellent way to show that your company genuinely takes the environment into account in its operations. We help your company build an environmental system that supports your company’s everyday operations and goals, through which you can continuously develop operations. Whether your goal is an environmental system according to the ISO14001 standard or a lighter one (e.g. GreenOffice), you can rely on our experienced experts in the environmental field.

Environmental system offers tangible benefits

With the help of the environmental system, your company e.g.

  • purposefully strives to develop its operations in a more environmentally friendly direction, without forgetting efficiency and profitability
  • know how to act in accident situations
  • knows how to prevent environmental damages
  • can reduce the amount of waste
  • can use raw materials and energy more wisely

What kind of environmental system is suitable for your company?

We have experience in creating both ISO14001 standard and lighter environmental systems. Tell us your goals, and we’ll help you choose and create an environmental system suitable for your company. Examples of environmental systems:

The environmental system of the ISO14001 standard is suitable for all kinds of companies due to its flexible structure. ISO14001 is well known and the certification is based on a thorough audit. That’s why ISO14001 is a good and reliable way to show environmental responsibility to different stakeholders.

GreenOffice is an environmental system created by WWF, which is especially suitable for offices to reduce the carbon footprint and guides the use of natural resources in a more environmentally conscious way.

How is the environmental system created?


Quality policy. First, together with your company, we draw up a quality policy, which takes a broad view of what we want to achieve with the environmental program. When creating a quality policy, the company’s values are taken into account and goals are set at a general level, for example “we want to reduce energy consumption.


Statements. Next, we look at your company’s operations from an environmental perspective. We find out which activities cause environmental impacts. After this, together with you, we will select a few of the most significant causes of environmental effects, which can be easily influenced.


Determining environmental impacts and measures. It is important to find out what the starting situation of the selected environmental impact factors is in order to decide on the target level to which, for example, emissions, energy use or the amount of waste is to be achieved. At the same time, the means to try to achieve the goals are determined.


Monitoring and development. When the goals and measures are clear, it is important to monitor the activities in order to monitor whether the set goals are reached. One of the most important tasks of the environmental system is to enable continuous development. If it appears that the set goals cannot be reached, efforts are made to develop operations in such a way that the goals are achieved. If the goals are achieved, the next step is to work on new causes of environmental impacts, for which specific goals and action plans will be created.

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